School Sex Education

First, listen and talk with your children

We all know, that both adults and teenagers are exposed to different sources of information about sexuality. The most frequented? Of course it is the internet. But is this really the right way to teach sexual education to our youth? Any good sexologist would prefer a totally different approach to sexual education for our youth. Because on the Internet you can find a lot of erroneous information and some of the worse examples of twisted behaviors. Can you help your teen in his questioning? Do you know where he or she will seek answers to his or her questions? Is he or she an Internet-Addict? Here are a few informations which may help you....


We can observe the negative impacts on our youth caused by the withdrawal of sex education in our schools. Without this informative and educational framework, teens find their answers through their peers who themselves, have found it online or in porn. Just great! In addition, Sexually Transmitted Infections-Through the Blood are rising and there is a recrudescence of diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. At the end of May 2010, the National Director of Public Health of Canada, said that the increases in Sexually Transmitted Infections-Through the Blood represented an epidemic according to the latest report on the health status of Canadians. And who are the most affected? Our youth. We must urgently react. To guide young people so they can make good decisions about their sex life would greatly contribute to make them responsible adults and would help them to have a fulfilling and happy sex life.


First by listening to them. They ask questions even in their early childhood, but often these questions are about the development and changes in their bodies. They want to know how it happens in others and want to find out more about themselves to know if they are normal. Do not hesitate to leave on their desks inside their rooms informative books on sexuality which of course you must have read and approved yourselves prior to passing them over to your young ones. They can be found written by several authors inside your own library, or bought on the internet. Study the reactions of your children, because bad influences will leave behavioral traces: aggressiveness, unexplained anger or withdrawal. In short, any sudden or gradual change may be suspect. Then, periodically check and make sure that your child does not become a Internet-Addict.


  1. He prefers to retire to his room to surf the internet rather than doing outdoor activities (or other type of activities he loved before);
  2. He becomes anxious if he can not go to the computer during a given period (for example during a full weekend);
  3. He feels anger if you limit his access periods on the internet;
  4. He may yell, get angry, or become rude and insulting if disturbed;
  5. He seems depressed, amorphous, not interested or even nervous, but as soon as he found himself on the internet all his problems seems to be solved;

All these signals are to be taken seriously. It's not just adults who become Internet Addicted, your kids can become addicted also. And unfortunately, you are not always witnesses to the information's they are gathering on the Internet. Let us be vigilant and let us vote for a return to sex education in schools.

I was born and raised in a rural area in Grand Falls NB. It was a great life on the farm, even though I became a design draftsman, many times I would stop drafting for a while and worked for a summer on the farm. That would put me back in great shape and I was ready again for the big city.